Investmen projects in colombia

Investment, Industrial, Commercial, Agricultural and Real Estate Projects in Colombia. Construction remains one of the main sectors of the economy in the country. “The opportunities of the industry in the international market due to the high price of the dollar, the costs of mobility that cities currently imply, the initiatives of the large road infrastructure projects that the National Government is promoting through the 4G Concessions, guarantee competitiveness in logistical terms. These are factors that are motivating areas destined for industrial projects in the country, in the next 10 years.

Industrial projects in Colombia show signs of growth and aim to promote the development of clean energy, the creation of environmental awareness.

Under the Renewable Energy Initiative “This type of project constitutes an opportunity to boost the industry, boost building activity, generate employment and consolidate competitiveness in the country”.

Foreigners are recommended to make their investment with the real estate sector, since the stability in the interest rate generates confidence in investors. In fact, the Bank of the Republic announced that the interest rate will remain at low levels during this year due to to lower inflation expectations.

Fiduciary Investment Projects

You as an investor can deliver resources to projects or fiduciary products, such as funds to be managed collectively according to the investment policy set forth by the collecting agency (trust), with great economic benefits for your capital.

Large Urban Investment projects

Project located in a strategic residential area, it is made up of 64 homes of innovative design, designed to meet the needs in quality of life, designed from elegance and comfort; Geneva has large communal areas on the first floor and terrace. Apartments with two bathrooms and 1 bedroom, the social area, separated from the main bedroom. Architecture focused on the multifunctionality of space, comfort, practicality and aesthetics as design principles.
Investment opportunity Clinic (medical center), strategically located in the city of Bogota, Chapinero Alto neighborhood, currently operates as a level 3 Clinic, in addition to excellent valuation and profitability.
One of the great bets for Economic Growth in Investment Projects in Colombia comes from the public sector, but not only from the central government. A good part of the behavior of the economy in 2019 will depend on the capacity of the departments, cities and municipalities to carry out their road infrastructure works. Favorably impacting the Colombian economy.

Large Investment projects in rural areas

Thanks to the peace process, the possibility of Investment Projects in Colombia in the Rural Sectors for agricultural crops and biofuels is opened (ask about land with high potential for profitability in Colombia). In the Eastern Plains there is great potential for expansion of up to 1,518 million hectares, which are classified as highly suitable, and up to 3.4 million hectares of areas classified as moderately suitable.

The departments of César, Córdoba and Magdalena are identified as highly suitable areas for sugarcane cultivation, while most of the moderately suitable areas are found in the eastern foothills of the Andes mountain range, in Meta and Caquetá… For this reason, Colombia has the great opportunity to be a worldwide pantry for supplying agricultural products for human consumption and industrial use.

It is considered Foreign Direct Investment. The acquisition of real estate, directly or through fiduciary business, or as a result of a real estate titling process of a property or construction projects.

Farm – Hacienda, in the savannah of Bogota, Cajica Municipality, has a natural river that surrounds part of the property, waterfalls, excellent views, total tranquility. We currently find two (2) houses. One for butler and the other for rest, soccer field.
In the Llano Grande Oriente Antioqueño sector, via Retiro, adjacent to the eastern headquarters of the EAFIT University, average day and night weather 16° to 22° degrees Celsius, safe and quiet place

Investment projects in the coffee region

The Eje Cafetero region has become a «paradise» for international investors. This is largely due to the fact that the area between the departments of Caldas, Risaralda and Quindío is known as an area of ​​logistics centers for many companies, given its strategic location, proximity to the country’s main consumption centers, among other aspects…


Being strong and specialized in the study, planning and execution of investment projects in the construction economic sector, its three departments are expected to continue their great growth in this decade.


Reasons why the coffee region is being a very attractive place for foreign companies, taking into account the return on investment generated in recent years in that sector of the country.


The Coffee Axis includes in its most important cities Pereira, Armenia and Manizales (coffee triangle), representing in Colombia 4% of the national GDP, strong metropolises in economic sectors such as construction, investment tourism and consumer agriculture.

Commercial corner property in Armenia, with a land area of 22,908 m2, multiple land uses.

Investment projects in Antioquia

Antioquia is one of the departments that benefits most from foreign resources, it has more than 48 foreign direct investment projects, being the second most important geographical area in Colombia.


The Antioquia region (its capital, Medellín, the second most populous city in the country), is a remarkable territory, since it contains almost all the elements of Colombian geography: sea, plains, mountains, plateaus, moors, rivers, swamps and forests. Having as a great development factor, the arrival of important companies generating foreign investment that, in addition to contributing to industries, guarantees new jobs by providing more than 8,041 jobs between 2019 and 2021 to date.


Most benefited from foreign resources, it has more than 48 foreign investment projects, being the second most important geographical area in Colombia.

Currently, Bogotá is one of the cities in Colombia, in which the largest number of Large Commercial Investment Projects in the Country are being carried out. This dynamic has increased the values ​​of properties, both for sale and for rent, an example of this are Usaquén, Teusaquillo and Chapinero, localities that by tradition were residential. Today, its commercial areas have become an attractive option for investment, in response to the growing needs of customers who want to find in one place: excellent location, quality, competitive prices, a good return on investment and of course influx of large groups of people, providing alternatives for investors and traders, as well as fun and entertainment for the general public.


Although the New Investment Projects in Commercial Zones are very attractive in the next two years there are ambitious plans for the already existing sectors to expand and remodel, this phenomenon has boosted the Hotel Industry, this commercial sector being one of the most benefited.


For Agricultural Investment Projects (biofuels), we offer the following services:

Invest in Colombia

Visa de inversionista en Colombia